Clojure and JDK11 allow you to catch signals, through sun.misc.Signal, (despite years of threatening to take it away).
So you can catch SIGHUP with the following:
(defn set-signal-handler!
"Catch HUP, INT, or USR1, etc. and run a one argument handler that
accepts a sun.misc.Signal"
[sig f]
(sun.misc.Signal. sig)
(proxy [sun.misc.SignalHandler] []
(handle [received-signal]
(f received-signal)))))
(.pid (java.lang.ProcessHandle/current))
If you need to send a signal from Clojure, I'd suggest shelling out, as to the best of my knowledge, the JVM only lets you send SIGTERM and SIGKILL:
( "/bin/kill" "-s" "SIGINT" "<some-pid>")
( "/usr/bin/pkill" "-HUP" "some-process-name")
Here is the relevant Kubernetes information with the pod configuration, which basically amounts to setting shareProcessNamespace: true at the top of the pod spec, and adding the following to the container that will be sending the signal:
Also, if you've come this far, you should take a look at
Note that java has a flag that seems to be related. I found it after I wrote the original post.
Enables installation of signal handlers by the application. By default, this option is disabled and the application isn’t allowed to install signal handlers.
Referenced Javadocs:
1 comment:
May I plug It provides a macro and a function to simplify registering signal handlers.
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